Wedding planner pro free software dowload
Wedding planner pro free software dowload

wedding planner pro free software dowload

  • Pink Calendar and Day Planner v.6.0 Pink Calendar is an fast, fun and easy to use Calendar and Day Planner program.
  • It offers you several views ( Gantt, Network, Resource, Estimation, Risk, Plan.) to get the broad understanding of where your project is heading.
  • Smartworks - Project Planner v.4.7 Project Planner PE 4.7, lets you track and manage your projects in the way you had always wanted.
  • It includes a daily planner, small daily journal and a to-do list.
  • Daily Planner Journal v.7.0 Daily Planner Journal is a capable, multi-module organizer.
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    You'll also find areas for figuring a home budget, keeping a warranty information database, and more. It includes a daily planner and a to-do list, as well as standard and loan calculators. Daily Planner Plus v.8.2 Daily Planner Plus is a capable, multi-module organizer.

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    An ideal tool for a novice project manager.

  • Project planner tutor v.4.5 Project Planner Tutor 4.5, introduces project management concepts to aspiring project managers and also covers the various features available in Smartworks Project Planner 4.5.
  • It also gives you control over the schedule as well as the cost expended on your project along with a risk log.
  • Project Planner-PE v.2.0 Project Planner lets you manage your projects and allows your team members to modify their task status online/real time.
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  • Space planner v.2.0 The Space planner does exactly what it is said - it helps you to plan your room, and decides how to arrange all of your things to make best use of the space you've got.
  • Actual Planner v.2.0.1 Actual Planner is a powerful organizer that allows you to schedule tasks, generate your personal chedule, maintain your address book, keep your blog and a lot more.
  • NJStar Chinese Calendar v.2.36 NJStar Chinese Calendar is combination of Chinese-Lunar and Western Solar Calendar software.

  • Wedding planner pro free software dowload